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For a taste of our school, click the link below:

Virtual Tour: Welcome to Langrish School! 

If you would like to investigate further, navigate to our 'Classes' tab to find out more about the year groups. If you are thinking about joining our lovely school in 2025, then click on 'YR 2025' for a taste of what it's like to be a Squirrel (Year R child) at Langrish Primary or click on the shortcut below:

Reception 2025

Our Early Years Department is currently graded as 'Outstanding' by OFSTED: 

'The early years provides children with an exceptional start to their education. The curriculum is ambitious and delivered expertly by staff. They ensure that children make the most of every moment, using their play to draw out their understanding of early reading and mathematics, and to nurture their physical development. Staff constantly encourage children to listen to, and discuss, ideas in a polite and courteous manner. Children’s behaviour in the early years is exemplary, meaning that their learning and enjoyment is never interrupted.'

(OFSTED, October 2019)

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark
  • Music Mark