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Friends of Langrish School, aka FoLS

Who are we?

Hello, we are the 2024 -2025 FoLS committee! We have volunteered our time to raise money to enhance the school’s resources, support the costs of trips and fund external companies who provide workshops in the school. We also hope to give those parents who want to be included a point of contact to get involved in fun activities and events throughout the year.

Meet the team

Co-chairs: Carly Smith & Louise Gooch

Secretary: Dave Knight 

Treasurer: Tom Clatworthy 

Members: Alice North & Samantha Dyer-French

Who are we and what are we working towards?

We all want our kids to have the best resources possible, as well as a stimulating environment to learn in. But it’s not just about learning; we want to ensure the children have lifelong memories of social activities and events that they will look back on fondly. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for parents to socialise and have a real, positive impact on the school.

In the last academic year (2023 - 2024), FoLS funds contributed to the purchase of exciting new resources, workshops and coach travel for numerous trips (see below).

This year it’s all about school trips, especially coaches. As everyone knows, everything is getting more expensive, and this includes school resources. Hiring a coach to take a class on a school-trip cost about £500 last year, this year it is about £800. Like last year, Langrish would like to remove the cost of travel from class trips, residential visits, music rehearsals, sporting enrichment and swimming lessons. Your fundraising pays for this; this is why our fundraising is so necessary and important.

You can help!


If you’d like to volunteer to help with any of the events we have created an ‘ad hoc volunteers’ whatsapp group, we would love to have you join us; please talk to your class rep or one of us! You can also email us at:


We also need funds, any donations are so, so appreciated and very much needed. We have a charitable status so this allows for a limited company to pay less corporate tax when they donate to a charity. If you work for a limited company, we would be so grateful if you put us forward as their charity to support.

Our charity name is: Friends of Langrish School and our Charity number is: 1132525

Our bank details are: Friends of Langrish School              Sort Code: 30-98-97                 Account Number: 55078863

You can also donate directly using the following QR code or the following link:

Any donations to the school can be kept anonymous but please could you email or inform someone on the committee so we can keep track and make sure we say a huge thank you.


In the corner of the car park we have a textile recycle bin; every time it gets gathered up the school gets money for it so please send your old clothes our way.


Tired of sewing/sticking and re-sticking labels into your kids' clothes? Please buy a stamp, they are fab and will save you so much time and hassle. We get 15% commission when you buy through you can even use the discount code (GU323PJ) on a deluxe bundle.


You can allocate a small part of what you spend with big brands to be donated to us whilst you shop. Please take a look at type ‘Friends of Langrish School’ into the search and it will guide you through to make us your favourite charity - alternatively, just clink the link in the logo!

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Music Mark
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark