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New Year R September 2025

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We are looking forward to welcoming you to our fabulous family here at Langrish Primary!

 We are looking forward to sharing our school with you.  The Langrish team along with Mrs Browne (Early Years Lead and SENCo) are very keen to show you why Langrish School is such a special place. So, take a look at our website and join us for a tour of our school to see us in action and to speak to our teachers and children about life at Langrish Primary School.

If you would like a tour of our school, please call the school office (01730 263883) to find out when our next open morning is.

Attached at the bottom of this page are '10 things you should do before school starts'. These are everyday things which will support your child's learning, awareness and development. For example, exploring a new environment like the beach or forest; having long conversations about what is happening around them; what do they see, smell and hear? Allow them to question absolutely everything! Try starting sentences with 'I wonder if...?' or 'What do you think about...?' Let them think for themselves and be curious learners and they will thrive!


Here is how transition will look at Langrish...


FAQ: We want to make your child’s transition as easy as possible, so here are some common questions asked from previous years.

Q: What skills does my child need before starting school?

A: Please refer to the ‘top 10 skills’ attached to this page. We do not expect them to be reading or writing – that is the last thing we are thinking about during September! It is all about your child learning a new routine, making friends, being independent and feeling happy and safe in their new environment.

Q: Where do I take my child on their first day?

A: A member of the Year R team will meet you all at the main gate to help gather the class and walk down together. If parents can stay by the gate to say goodbye, this will make transition much easier for everyone. We will have a slightly staggered start in September. 

Q: Where do I pick up my child from school?

A: The main gates will open at 3:05pm. You will need to walk to the playground and wait outside the Year R classroom and then your child will be released by the team at 3:10pm.

Q: Where do they go at playtime?

A: We are extremely lucky at Langrish because the Year R children have their own playground just outside the classroom. This playground is their safe haven! If they want to, they can stay on the Year R playground or go onto the main playgrounds. In the warmer weather, the children are able to make use of the field. Some of our year 6's are trained to become play leaders, which is a role they take great pride in! They are there to play games with our younger children, allowing them to make new friends, understand rules and turn taking, outside of the classroom.

Q: What equipment does my child need for school?

A: No need for a pencil case; we have everything they need at school. You will receive a Langrish water bottle, which will need to be in school every day. Once routines are in place, your child will be bringing home a reading wallet every day, which includes a reading record, reading books linked to our phonics scheme, library book and, on occasions, letters from the school office. Please check this daily so you don’t miss out on any information. 

Q: Does my child need a school bag?

A: Yes, there are brilliant Langrish school bags, which we do recommend you buy. Don't forget our second-hand uniform shop in the school foyer. The Langrish rucksacks are the perfect size for reading wallets, a water bottle, lunch box (if they need it) and we ask for spare pants, socks and school trousers (just in case). Please ensure everything is named and the school bag is clearly labelled on the back.

Q: Does my child need a PE kit?

A: Yes, please refer to the school website uniform page for what they need: .

Q: What about a forest school kit?

A: We are extremely lucky in Year R as Mrs Browne is a forest school leader and will head out into our woodland area (within school grounds) each week to explore the natural work and teach life skills and tool work with the class.

Forest school kit includes:

  • Wellington boots
  • Waterproof trousers and top
  • Weather dependent – warmer clothes such as hat, scarf, warm jumper, thick socks (no need for gloves as it stops children using their hands and exploring)

Please have these items in a separate bag to the children’s P.E kit bag.

Q: What uniform does my child need?

A: Please refer to the school uniform webpage. Don't forget to have a look in our second-hand uniform shop!

Q: What if my child has trouble settling into school?

A: Many children can struggle to settle into a new school, but remember Mrs Browne has a wealth of experience when it comes to transition and settling children in well. Working together as a team, communicating with each other and trusting in Mrs Browne’s advice will ensure your child has a safe and smooth transition into school.

Q: How do I tell the teacher who will be collecting my child from school?

A: Email the school office with who will be collecting that day if it is someone different to who you have said on the registration forms. 

Q: What happens at lunchtimes?

A: All Reception children are entitled to a free school lunch. When your child enters the classroom each morning they have a choice of options for lunch – meat, vegetarian or a jacket potato/picnic option. They will pick what they want each day, with Mrs Browne to start with, then independently once secure in their routine. If your child has an allergy, the office must be informed when filling out the paperwork so either a menu can be designed or you provide a lunch box. More information can be found at the Education Catering website where you can also register your child for a medical special diet menu.

Q: Do I need to provide a snack?

A: That is up to you as long as it is a healthy snack such as fruit. We offer a piece of fruit and milk daily (milk is provided until your child’s 5th birthday, unless payment is continued).

Q: What if my child still has ‘accidents’?

A: We understand this may happen a few times. Please provide labelled spare uniform and pants in your child’s bag.

We will work together to ensure we prevent this from happening frequently.

Q: My child needs regular medication - help!

A: Many of our children require regular medication such as inhalers. If your child needs medication of any sort, whether it be for a long term medical condition or a short term illness, then please contact the school office for a medication form. We may ask for a treatment plan if your child needs an epipen. Many of our staff at Langrish are First Aid trained with the Early Years staff also holding the paediatric first aid qualification.

Q: How can I support my child’s learning at home?

A: Read, read and read some more with your child. ‘Homework’ is rarely set in Reception, as they are exhausted from a busy day at school. However, reading with your child daily and reading a bedtime story to them each night will encourage their reading skills and experiences to support their communication and language. Also, an important part of reading is their understanding of what is being read. Have a conversation about what happened in the story, who was in the story and what they liked best about the story.


If you still have questions which haven't been answered, then please email the school office ( for the attention of Mrs Browne, so she can answer your questions or worries. 


Our Early Years Department is currently graded as Outstanding by OFSTED: 

'The early years provides children with an exceptional start to their education. The curriculum is ambitious and delivered expertly by staff. They ensure that children make the most of every moment, using their play to draw out their understanding of early reading and mathematics, and to nurture their physical development. Staff constantly encourage children to listen to, and discuss, ideas in a polite and courteous manner. Children’s behaviour in the early years is exemplary, meaning that their learning and enjoyment is never interrupted.' (October 2019)

And finally...check out our YouTube Channel...

You will find:

Our Langrish Primary School Promotional video.

A variety of stories read by Mrs Browne.

Videos to support early reading from Mrs Browne.

A variety of Bible stories from Reverend Ball.

Click here for the link

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  • Platinum Sports Mark