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The SCARF at Home activities will:

  • Cover key concepts and outcomes within SCARF’s half-termly units; activities to encourage children to think and reflect
  • Focus on positive themes that are safe for parents to discuss with their child, avoiding unsafe subjects
  • For younger children, provide family-friendly activities that promote discussion
  • For older children, provide activities that can be done alone if an adult is not available to give time
  • Avoid, for the most part, the need for resources other than pencil and paper (home-printer not essential, though helpful)

Autumn Term 1

UNIT 1: Me and My Relationships


Autumn Term 2

UNIT 2: Valuing Difference


Spring Term 1

UNIT 3: Keeping Myself Safe


Safer Internet Day


Spring Term 2

UNIT 4: Rights and Responsibilities


Summer Term

UNIT 5:Being my Best







Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark
  • Music Mark