The welfare of our children and their safety is the overriding consideration of the school at all times. As with all schools, we have a legal duty to look out for signs of abuse in children and report any concerns to the social services at the local authority who will carry out the necessary investigations. We follow the procedures and guidelines set out in the Hampshire child protection procedures.
Langrish Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. All appointments are subject to two satisfactory references and a satisfactory enhanced DBS check.
Our safeguarding team is:
Miss Heather Jones – (Head Teacher) Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher
Mrs Fiona Pruden – (Senior Teacher) Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mr John McMenamin – Safeguarding Governor
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy have attended Hampshire training in addition to annual attendance at the Safeguarding Conference to update practice and knowledge. The Designated Safeguarding Lead has completed Prevent Training from the government and all staff have completed their DfE virtual training courses for this at an appropriate level.
Our Safeguarding Governor and Designated Teacher have also attended relevant updates.
All members of Langrish School staff attended their annual INSET safeguarding update in September 2024. Further updates are delivered through the year in staff meetings by the lead DSL and Deputy DSL. There is an open invite to the Governing Body to attend any training updates. Those who are unable to attend, receive training as part of the first FGB of the academic year. Parent volunteers and work experience students receive a safeguarding briefing before they can begin to volunteer in school as part of the induction process. This is delivered by one of the DSL team and a register of attendance is kept on the SCR.
The school uses CPOMS to log all observations, communications and actions linked to Safeguarding and the staff team have attended in house training on how to use this platform.
As a school, we ensure that:
- Leaders’ work to protect pupils from radicalisation and extremism is exemplary
- High quality training develops staff vigilance, confidence and competency to challenge pupils views and encourage debates
- Leaders and managers have created a culture of vigilance where pupils’ welfare is actively promoted; pupils are listened to and feel safe
- Leaders and staff work effectively with external partners to support pupils who are at risk or who are the subject of a multi-agency plan
- Pupils have an excellent understanding of how to stay safe online, the dangers of inappropriate use of mobile technology and social networking sites
- All teaching staff complete online Prevent training or a refresher on a regular basis and Governors complete the GOV.UK e-learning at least once within their term of office.
- All staff and volunteers working at Langrish have read KCSiE Part One and acknowledged this via email for the Single Central Record. The link can be found below:
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 - Part 1
There are many useful websites which we utilise as a school resource. Many of these also have very useful information sections for parents to access.
Please click below for direct links to some of these:
Promoting health and safety around the school.
The health and safety representatives thought about and discussed how we promote keeping safe at Langrish.
The representatives wrote on our School parliament weekly blog asking:
Are pupils encouraged enough to adopt safe and reasonable practice?
Each class then discussed this question and responded on the school blog. The main points that were discussed were:
- We have weekly PSHE lessons about safety, and we have special days on Anti-bullying.
- There are rules that are in place for our safety such as: no running in the building or on the Astroturf to avoid collisions, staying off the grass when wet, chairs to be used on four legs, wearing shorts for lessons involving gym equipment.
- We each have class Internet safety agreements and the ICT Policy is taught and agreed to ensure safety online.
- Risk assessments are completed with children and shared before trips off-site.
- We have regular fire drills and review the rules of getting out of the school quickly and safely.
- Health & Safety ambassadors highlight concerns to adults and inform children of initiatives like 'Stay Safe, Be Seen' through assemblies. We have also had Road Safety campaigns assemblies lead by the JRSO's.
- The school council review policies such as the anti-bullying policy or refection sheets to ensure that they are child-friendly.
- We have visitors like the RNLI, Fire Service and St John's Ambulance.
- We review the playground rules, and we are reminded about them if someone does something unsafe. Adults are always on the playground to help us stay safe.
- We are told how to use all equipment safely at play time and lunchtime.
- We have refection sheets if children are behaving dangerously.
The health and safety representatives shared these discussions with a school governor; they then led a health and safety assembly to the whole school recapping how we keep safe at Langrish. In this assembly, the health and safety representatives spoke about safety on the play trail ahead of it being open at play time and lunch times. Here are some of the rules:
Promoting safeguarding
Network Rail Assemblies, January 2025
Last Friday, we were fortunate to welcome Officer David from the British Transport Police to our school. He gave an engaging and informative talk to KS2 about staying safe near railway tracks and on railway platforms. The session highlighted important safety tips. We hope the children found it valuable and encourage you to discuss these safety messages further at home.
For more information and some fun activities, visit Home - Switched On! (
Bikeability Training, October 2024
This week, Year 6 have taken part in their Bike Ability course. Over the past five days, they have learnt and mastered skills that enable them to ride proficiently on the road, whilst keeping themselves safe and seen.
"I enjoyed going on the A272 on the final day, because we used all the skills we have learnt on a busier road!"
"I enjoyed Bike Ability, because we learnt new skills we can use when we start to go out on the road ourselves."
"I felt happy and safe and it was an enjoyable way to learn how to ride a bike and overall it was a great experience, thank you Andy, Tom and Cliff!"
"Such a brilliant scheme! My daughter has gone from having no interest in cycling and being a non-rider to a confident rider who now enjoys being on her bike - in one week!"
Rail Safety award July 2024
In July, our pupils participated in virtual age-appropriate workshops around Rail Safety. They learnt about the importance of statying off the tracks but also about the risks of going near the railways due to the high charges of electricity involved. As a result of our engagement, we have received the Bronze Rail Safety Friendly Award.
NSPCC 'Speak out, stay safe' assemblies and workshops, June 2024
These valuable assemblies and workshops happen every two years and the charity kindly share important safeguarding lessons with all of our children. In addition, Years 2, 5 and 6 take part in dedicated workshops which centred around being guided by our feelings to determine whether something is safe or not. Loraine and Aly provided a helpful reminder of the importance of 'speaking out to stay safe'. The children were excellent at responding to whether various situations were safe or unsafe and what variables might help them to make their decision. They discussed what to do (speak to a trusted adult or Childline) if they have any worries, no matter how big or small. Our certificate is attached to the bottom of this page.
- Click here to access the parents guide to PANTS and find resources to share with your child
Visits from Hampshire Fire and Rescue, March 2024
In Spring Term 2024, Year 1 and Year 5 were visited by Jo and Sophie from the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service. They talked about the four emergency services that can be accessed by dialling 999, and in particular their work with the fire service. Through an entertaining combination of activities, practical demonstrations and quizzes, the children learnt about keeping themselves safe from fire, what to do in case of fire, and even the importance of reminding their parents to check their smoke alarms every 'Test it Tuesday'. Using songs, rhymes and mnemonics to make the messages memorable, the children had a wonderful time, as well as learning how to keep themselves and their families safe.
Safer Internet Day – 6th February 2024
This year's Safer Internet Day theme was 'Inpiring Change'. It focused on recognising and acknowledging the risks that come with using the Internet, and looking at the ways in which positive changes in online behaviour can minimise those risks, and enable all Internet users to feel safe, protected and respected in the online world.
There were Safer Internet Day activities across the whole school, starting with the Squirrels who learnt Buddy the Dog's Internet safety song and talked about who to go to whenever they need help. Years 1 and 2 also focused on talking to trusted adults, using stories to illustrate what might go wrong online, and discussing those scenarios - and what to do about them - together as a class.
Year 3 watched the BBC's special Live Lesson about AI, and explored the ways in which artificial intelligence can create realistic-looking (but factually inaccurate) online content. Kindness and respect were recurring themes in the upper school, where the use of social media and messaging apps was discussed, as was the role of online 'Influencers' and the importance of checking facts, recognising unkind behaviour and opinions, and being a critical thinker in regard to all online content.
Safer Internet Day is one of the many ways in which we promote positive online behaviour througout the year. And, as always, it wasn't just all about the risks - there was plenty of time to celebrate the many wonderful ways in which the Internet enhances our lives every day, whether we're using it for communication, education or inspiration.
One topic that came up again and again was parental controls. Many of the children didn't know if parental controls were set up on their home networks, and some were worried that their parents (or grandparents) may not know how to find the parental control settings on their networks and devices. This link to the NSPCC website has a useful guide on setting up parental controls, and this link to the EA Games website has some specific advice for setting controls and limitations on gaming platforms.
As a Rights Respecting school, we also looked at how this year's theme tied in with Article 19 of the UNCRC: "Every child has the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated in body or mind."
Top Tips
- Talk to your child about what they’re up to online. Be a part of their online life.
- Don't be afraid to ask for advice or share when things have gone wrong - it will happen, and it may prevent somebody else making the same mistake.
- Watch Thinkuknow films and cartoons with your child.
- Visit Parentzone or Childnet to keep up to date with the latest advice.
- Set boundaries in the online world, just as you would in the real world.
- Keep all equipment that connects to the Internet in a family space.
- Use parental controls on devices that link to the Internet such as TV, laptops, computers, games consoles, tablets and mobile phones. Click here for the NSPCC guide on how to use parental controls.
Road Safety Magic Show January 2024
The children in Squirrel class and KS1 had a great time with David Tricks and his Road Safety Magic show. He taught the children how to keep safe on the road. Using a mixture of magic and comedy, he taught the children how to stop, look, listen and think before crossing the road. He talked about the different road crossings, the importance of wearing a helmet when on a bicycle and the importance of wearing something bright at night to be seen. This reinforces the important messages which we as a school cover throughout the year.
Anti-bullying Week November 2023
This year, Anti-Bullying Week had the theme of 'Make a Noise About Bullying' The theme came about following consultation with teachers and pupils by the Anti-Bullying Alliance which coordinates Anti-Bullying Week every year in England and Wales.
Anti-Bullying Week reminds everyone, whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, we can reach out and show each other the support we need.
At Langrish, we observed Anti-Bullying Week through Odd Socks Day, where we celebrated and appreciated the differences between us. We also had fun dancing to a special song, CBBC's Andy and the Odd Socks, 'Make a Noise'. We also enjoyed a visit from the 'Perform' drama group who lead us through some workshops on how to show our feelings, read those of others and stand up to bullies!
Anti - Bullying Policy
Pupil voice throughout the school showed that bullying was very much on their minds and so each class revisited the pupil version of the school Anti Bullying Policy during this themed week and talked again about what was included in this important document. The document was revised by our School Parliament, following suggestions and annotations from all classes in the school.
It was a complex task, but one the School Parliament – including children from Year 1 to Year 6 – took on with an incredible amount of enthusiasm and maturity. The result is a revised anti-bullying policy, created entirely by the children themselves and designed to uphold their right to be safe at school, at home and online (UNCRC Article 19). The updated version can be found at the bottom of this page.
First Aid Training from the Red Cross
Year 6 enjoyed their visit from the Red Cross this week, thinking about the importance of not being a bystander when someone needs help and then demonstrating what they had learnt about emergency aid through some role-play scenarios. They learnt the key action needed for the following situations: someone having a seizure, a burn victim, head injury, significant bleeding.
Water safety visit from the RNLI
In May, the lovely spring weather turned our thoughts to the summertime, and that inevitably made us think of seaside holidays!
Luckily, the RNLI were on hand to provide a fun, informative and interactive assembly about how we can keep ourselves and our families safe around water.
The children learnt about the flags they might see at the beach, what it means when they see a wind sock, and how to play safely with inflatable toys such as dinghies and beach balls.
Can your child tell you the golden rules for staying safe at the seaside?
Hampshire's Prejudicial Language and Behaviour Toolkit
Earlier this year, our staff received training on prejudicial language and behaviour: a regular focus of our discussions in weekly class assemblies which look at an Article of the Week. As the children consider different news articles, focus days and the rights of others from a range of circumstances and communities, we help them to adopt the correct terminology to express their opinions and describe the people who they are discussing without causing offence. Much of our curriculum development work this year has been to adapt our case studies and references to ensure topics are inclusive, helping our children to understand the value of everyone's contributions. Where issues of prejudicial language or behaviour do arise, explicit teaching is then used to help children understand why this may cause offence and who to, helping them to avoid making the same mistakes again.
Cyber Ambassadors
Thanks to the Hampshire Youth Commission, Langrish School has now joined over 100 schools across the county in promoting Internet safety by having specially trained Cyber Ambassadors. During a half-day course, these children were taught how to spot, avoid and report the most common threats that face young people on the Internet today. They will now be able to offer peer-to-peer support on Internet safety issues as well as run class training sessions and assemblies based on what they've learnt. Those Cyber Sea Monsters don't stand a chance! To learn more about the Cyber Ambassadors scheme, click here.
Safeguarding in and around our school: Pupil Voice
- ‘I feel safe as I know I can trust the teachers’ – Year 5 boy
- ‘The exits are clearly marked and easily accessible’ – Year 5 boy
- ‘Personally, I feel safe at school because of our school rules’ – Year 6 boy
- ‘I feel safe because we have adults looking after us at all times’ – Year 4 girl
- ‘Visitors have a sticker and are introduced to us’ – Year 4 girl
- ‘I feel safe in school because I know there are door locks, security cameras, staff to keep up safe and no bullies or unkind people’ - Year 4 boy
In response to class discussions, pupils said that the recent improvements to the school site (new gates and willow fences) helped them to feel safe. They also reported that the new lunchtime provision gives them more options, and therefore more space to play safely. Year 2 particularly like the fact that their classroom is bright and spacious and they are able to move around freely without worrying about tripping over.