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Sport & PE

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Welcome to our Sports Page

 Here you will find details of the vast range of physical activities in which we are involved. Scroll down to view our latest sports news and share in the many activities we have taken part in  during this year. Our sport and PE is also celebrated on individual class pages: please take some time to share these with your children by following the 'Classes' link above.

What does our Sport and PE provision look like at Langrish? Our intent...

At Langrish Primary School, we aim to engage and include all children in fun and highly active PE sessions to develop an enjoyment and love for sport, whilst also encouraging a healthy lifestyle that they will carry with them through their lives. We include regular opportunities for all children to be involved in competitive team and individual sport against their peers and participate in intra-school and inter-school competitions. Our curriculum is delivered by highly skilled class teachers and sports coaches, ensuring the children receive a knowledge rich, sequenced curriculum. At Langrish, children develop a lifelong interest in physical activity, as well as developing positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. Pupil voice (Article 12 UNCRC)  is extremely important in this, with children suggesting sports that they would like to try in their curriculum lessons and after school. This year, Quidditch is on our curriculum as a result of suggestion from the playleaders.

Our skills progression document can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this page together with the presentation made by year 6 for our successful platinum application. 

We did it!!

We are delighted to announce that Langrish School, has achieved the School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year. This is the highest recognition in the Schools Games mark awards.

The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward and recognise school’s engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark and to celebrate keeping young people active, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

 We are extremely proud of our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our events possible. We are committed to using the School Games to try and engage those young people who haven’t previously been active or represented our school and to try and ensure that all our students have a positive experience and want to try out new activities beyond school too in our community. We believe in the power of physical activity and school sport as a school and give opportunities to those young people that need it most either as a participant, leader, official or volunteer. As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas linked to the five School Games outcomes and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year. A special thanks to Year 6 who led on the presentation for this award and to everyone who continues to support the school, whatever their interest.

Intra and Inter Sport Competitions

We are pleased to announce that we will be competing in the School Games Programme again this year with many competitions organised for us by our local SGO (Sara Galliers). These Level 2 competitions (inter school) are in addition to the many sporting opportunities and occasions which take place on a daily basis both in and out of lessons (intra school). All of our pupils take part in two hours of curriculum PE and Sport and many choose to attend lunchtime and after school clubs.  Currently, each KS2 class is busy setting up a database to record the participation rate in physical activity of our pupils so that we can adapt our provision to help those who may want a bit of an extra push! Each class has already set themselves their first personal challenge and all children are trying to beat their personal best in their chosen area.

Our recent achievements have included seven runners representing East Hampshire in the county cross-country race and winning the East Hampshire competition for Girls Football. We are looking forward to representing East Hampshire in the  upcoming finals.

We also had fun in Y3 with trialling a new sport, KinBall, when Mrs. Galliers visited us to share this exciting opportunity.








Sports Values

In every lesson, our pupils are encouraged to observe these values. These help the children to understand that although winning is a positive experience, it is how a team communicates and works together which will ultimately make them successful. Pupils are also encouraged to believe in themselves and always give 100 % at all times.


Sharing our News

We actively encourage all of our pupils to pursue their sporting passions outside of school and we celebrate any achievements in our school newsletter 'The Nutshell'. Click on the 'Newsletters' link above to find out what our pupils have been getting up to outside of school. Our talented youngsters regularly participate in rugby, dancing, swimming and gymnastics to name but a few!

Links with Outside Clubs

If you are looking for a local sports club to help foster your child's interest in sport, then you may like to try one of the following links. Alternatively, the local sports centre, The Taro Leisure Centre, is our nearest leisure provider and also includes a swimming pool.

Petersfield Rugby Club:

Petersfield Town Junior Football Club:

Steep Cricket Club:

Steep Lawn Tennis Club:

Taro Leisure Centre:

Inclusive Health Check 

We ensure that all children have access to a vast array of sporting opportunities regardless of their ability or skill level. To help us achieve this and to audit our current provision, Langrish School has completed the Inclusive Health Check document which in turn gives further ideas and resources for us to aim even higher. This document is also a vital part of the evidence to show our commitment to raising the profile of school sport as part of the School Sports Plan.

School Games Mark

Having been awarded the Gold Level for the School Games Mark for the 4th year running, we have applied for Platinum! This award reflects our outstanding provision for Sport and PE throughout the school, both in curriculum time and outside of school. Thank you to all members of our community who help with coaching, supporting and participating in the wide variety of sports on offer. We look forward to another successful year of sport.

We have Platinum sportsmark until 2024

Play Leaders

Twelve new play leaders from Year 5 have had a super introduction into leadership through taking part in the Play Leader training with Mrs. Galliers (our SGO) and Mrs. Fernee. Having completed their training, these children can now organise small games and activities for our infant children.

This is what the Play Leaders wrote following their training:

In play leader training, we learnt different techniques and activities to help KS1 children to play a variety of playground games.We also learnt the acronym SPACE which stands for:

· Safety – is everyone safe? Is the game safe for all participants?

· Participants – which age group will play the game? Is it accessible?

· Area – Is the area a suitable size?

· Communication – Explain in an age appropriate manner

· Equipment – How much equipment do we need? Can the game be played without equipment?

We want people to develop new skills while feeling safe, making new friends, having fun and gaining confidence.

Our Play Leaders are part of our School Parliament which meets regularly every week.





What does our sport and PE provision look like at Langrish? Our implementation...

Early Years (Physical Development ELG)

To negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others and demonstrate strength, balance and coordination

We have been doing gymnastics and made our own sequence together as a class then made one up individually.


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Year 1

To develop balance, agility and co-ordination, individually and with others.

Year 2

To develop balance, agility and co-ordination in a range of activities

Year 3

To use throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
To develop flexibility, strength, technique control and balance











Year 4

To play competitive games, modified where appropriate and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending

Year 5

To compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve a personal best (Hampshire Games virtual events)

Year 6

To take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and in a team

Sporting Success for 2023 - 2024

Specific National Curriculum Aims:

To develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

To engage in competitive sports and activities 

To lead healthy, active lives

To be physically active for sustained periods of time

June 2024: Hampshire Games

We were lucky enough to be invited to take two teams to the Hampshire Games Festival in Winchester this year. Our group of 20 Year 4 and 5 pupils had a great day experiencing different sports, such as ultimate frisbee, golf and indoor curling, and getting their pulses racing with a silent disco, street dance workshop and some afternoon tennis workshops.

June 2024: SSG football tournament


On Friday 7th June, nine of our Year 5 and 6 boys competed in the Small Schools’ Group football tournament at West Meon. They played beautifully, not conceding a goal until the final, when they were unlucky to lose out on penalties. Huge congratulations to all the team.


March 2024: East Hampshire Cricket Festival Years 3 and 4


Langrish School and East Meon School joined together to focus on their cricket skills. Mr. James and Mrs. Galliers led lots of striking and fielding activities for us and we practised our bowling actions. We had a great morning and now can't wait to enter cricket competitions in the Summer Term!



March 2024: Hampshire Cross Country Finals

Congratulations to our 6 runners who travelled to Basingstoke to compete in the county finals. Having previously qualified for the event in a much smaller competition, just tackling the starting line-up with over 100 runners was a challenge. They then had to navigate a course approximately 1800m in length, which took them behind trees and to previously hidden sections of the run. All runners finished with Oscar coming first for East Hants in 26th position overall! 


February 2024: East Hampshire Girls Football Tournament

Our Year 5/6 girls' team travelled to Perins School to take part in an East Hants tournament. The girls played with great spirit throughout and managed to draw 2 of their 4 matches. Well played girls!






February 2024: KS1 Netball Festival

At the end of February, we hosted the East Hampshire Year 2 netball festival. Our Year 5 Play Leaders led 10 of our pupils, along with 3 other groups of visiting children. They all did brilliantly, whether showing ther leadership qualities or getting involved with the activities themselves. We look forward to March when we will be repeating the success for some Year 3 and 4 pupils.





January 2024: Boys' Hampshire Plate

Not to be deterred by Storm Jocelyn, our boys' team braved the conditions to compete against Portsmouth Grammar School in a home match. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful on this occasion but, with strong leadership, teamwork and some super goal keeping, we managed to finish with a respectable 2-1 score line. Well done boys and thanks to the brave parents who came to cheer them on!



January 2024: East Hampshire Cross country success!

Congratulations to our 20 competitors who took part in the Key Stage 2 races at Perins. In the Year 5 and 6 races, we had 6 runners who finished in the top 12 therefore qualifying for the Hampshire finals on 5th March.

Well done Oscar (1st), Wiktor (3rd), Lucas (5th), Josh (6th), William (12th ) and Isabella (9th) . Good luck at the Hampshire finals.

Watch this space for their final finishing places! 

January 2024: Extending our young sports people at Perins School











Four of our super fit pupils from Year 5 travelled to Perins School with Mr. James to participate in a workshop which was designed to stretch their PE talents. The session covered some sport psychology, fitness and reaction work as well as learning about how they could develop their movement skills. They enjoyed taking part in bleep runs, reaction spots and rowing.

January 2024: Boccia at Hollywater

Boccia is a Paralympic target sport which is played indoors. Competitors must throw, kick or send soft leather balls down a chute in order to gain position closest to the jack. At Langrish, the sport of Boccia has been part of our inclusive PE provision for a number of years and we were therefore keen to get involved in a local event. Four of our Year 5 pupils put their tactics to the test during a visit to Hollywater School, where they enjoyed competing against some of their pupils.

December 2023:

East Hampshire Basketball at Bohunt

Two Langrish basketball teams from Years 5 and 6 travelled to Bohunt School to compete in the East Hampshire basketball competition. Basketball has been part of our games curriculum for over a year now, so our players were well-prepared for this challenge. Most of the team had also perfected their moves and set plays during after-school basketball club or playing against their peers at lunchtimes. There were four other schools who we competed against and we are pleased to report that our teams did very well, with one Langrish team coming first! This means that we will represent East Hampshire at the Hampshire finals in the new year. Thank you to all the parents who transported and stayed to cheer us on and to Mr. James for coaching the teams.

Autumn Term Clubs

In the run-up to Christmas, as the weather grew colder and the evenings became darker, almost 100 pupils from Years 2 - 6 continued to enjoy outdoor sports clubs after school. 

In response to pupil voice, during the first half of the Autumn Term a range of different sports clubs took place after school. Over 100 pupils have enjoyed getting active and, in many cases, trying something new.

September 2023: Football at Bedales School

                        The Year 5 and 6 teams

During the Bedales football tournament yesterday, Years 5 and 6 had to play many schools around Hampshire. We played 10 games and we won 8 of them! Both Langrish teams did very well, scoring over 20 goals in total. Some of our team even scored outside of the box long shots, including free kicks. We won some matches with high scores such as 6-2. We enjoyed our time in the tournament and everyone put in 100%.

Written by Georgia and Wiktor (Y6)




                       The Year 3 and 4 teams

On Wednesday 10th October, our Year 3 and 4 football teams travelled to Bedales school for a friendly football tournament. Hoping to recreate the success of the older teams the week before, the players set out, full of enthusiasm and energy. Our first match, Langrish Blue vs Langrish Yellow, saw all of our players take to the pitch and have a good run around. Our goalkeepers deserve a particular mention as they saved three penalties throughout the tournament, awarded due to wandering hands from our team. Keeping our arms down will definitely be something we will be working on! Well done to all of our players who represented our school on this occasion.


Achievements and events 2022 - 2023

July 2023: Year 6 Sports Day at TPS

Following their transition day, our Year 6 pupils attended a Sports Day at TPS with some other local feeder schools. They had a busy day, led by the Year 10 Sports Captains. Long jump, javelin, football, bowling, and even egg and spoon races were on the agenda! "It was fun to play all of the different sports in the sunshine with our friends and to work with some of the people who will be in my new tutor group."

July 2023: Inter House competitions

This month our oldest children have competed in inter-House competitions for netball, rounders, cross-counrty, football and swimming. Supported by their House Captains and peers, they played their socks off and showed how far their skills have developed. Our first swimming gala for Years 4, 5 and 6 was great fun with every child competing regardless of ability and doing so with smiles on their faces! Well done Team Langrish! 

June 2023: Cycling Club with Mr. James

        Learning how to signal whilst balancing

In preparation for Bikeability in Year 6, Year 5 were invited to a session with Mr. James to practise their cycling skills.

This is what they thought:

'We enjoyed the Bikeability prep course because it was challenging weaving through the cones. The thing we most improved on was hand signalling. We took this in tiny steps because we had to be confident to let go of the handlebars. Although it was rather wet and raining, we persevered and had lots of fun!'



       The victorious team with the participation award

June 2023 East Hampshire Cricket Festival


Our Year 5 and 6 cricket team attended the Alton cricket tournament. We came in 7th place but were the best in our group! Despite the hot weather and limited amount of shade, we had a great time. We even scored some sixes and it was great to be able to use the skills Mr James had taught us at school.




June 2023: SSG Years 5 and 6 Rounders Competition

Congratulations to our 2 teams of 9 who took part in the Small School Group's Rounders competition this week. They played well, working tactically to quickly reduce the number of batters and showing great sportsmanship and teamwork. Out of 5 teams, we came second and thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon.

April 2023: Infant Cross Country at Froxfield School

On a rather muddy Friday afternoon, five excited Year 2 pupils travelled to Froxfield School to compete in the Small Schools Infant Cross Country race. This opportunity gave them a chance to take part in a competitive race and experience the format of a longer course which certainly tested their stamina! The boys finished in 8th and 11th place. The girls, finishing in 2nd, 4th and 8th place won the girls overall trophy. Rosie also gained a silver medal. Well done to all the runners and thank you to the parents for transporting and cheering us on!

              Our amazing infant cross country team
The victorious girls team with their cup












April 2023: Year 5 Quidditch Tournament 

In Spring term, Year 5 began learning how to play Quidditch! To be successful in this new unit they had to learn new rules incorporating dodgeball, netball and basketball, utilise key skills and work effectively as a team. We were then lucky enough to be invited to a Quidditch Tournament at Perins School to put into practice our new Quidditch team. After a few warm up activities we played two friendly games, winning both with smiles on our faces the whole time. Well done Year 5, great work!  

March 2023: East Hampshire Y6 Netball Competition

Congratulations to the Langrish Netball Team! I am so proud of each and every one of them; their determination and team work took them to second place in their pool. After beating the top of the other pool in the semi-final (3-2), they dug deep to find their last ounce of energy to play Liss Juniors in the final. This match went to extra time, but unfortunately, we lost to the better side 2-3. 

All the players played extremely well and I hope that they continue their netball journey in their secondary schools with the full sided version.

Mrs. Wright


March 2023: East Hampshire Netball Festival for KS1

                  Here we go!
        Our playleaders helping out

Our Y2 netball players took part in a tournament this week, organised by Sara Galliers, our School Games Organiser for East Hampshire. She was helped by our Y5 play leaders who led the bases and the Y2 players tried out many different skills and drills. They really enjoyed the experience and can't wait to continue to practice the moves in their weekly PE sessions.


Lunchtime table tennis

We were very excited to be selected by Mrs. Galliers to try out her new lunchtime club - table tennis!  Mrs Galliers brought in her table tennis equipment and Year 6 got to grips with the basics. Mr James had already started our tennis unit on Monday afternoon but it all seemed a little trickier with smaller bats and balls!

We had a great time trying to balance and bounce the balls - as you can see, it took a lot of concentration!


                                    Well done girls!

February 2023: East Hampshire Girls Football Competition

On the 24th of February, nine girls participated in the girls’ football tournament for Years 5 and 6 at Perins. We came 2nd place out of seven teams, qualifying for the next round! Each match was five minutes long with a 2-minute gap between. This 7-a-side tournament was extremely fun and a great way to have a feel of what it would be like to play competitively against other schools. We were able to practise in most positions and varied our skills (passing, shooting, goalkeeping, tackling and dribbling) whilst learning teamwork, being supportive, giving people chances and being well-mannered through-out the tournament.

The Langrish Girls Football team


On Friday 17th March, the team travelled to Southampton to represent East Hampshire in the Hampshire County Final. It was certainly a very high standard! The girls worked well together and with the support of their coach, Mr. James, completed all of their matches with smiles on their faces. They even scored a penalty in the last match!  Congratulations to all of the players and to the parents for supporting throughout the day. 




Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Music Mark
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark