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Guidance for photographing and filming at Langrish Primary School

It’s important that children and young people feel happy with their achievements and have photographs and films of their special moments. Family and friends also want to be able to share the successes of their children when they have been part of a special event or activity.

However, some children, parents or carers may not be comfortable with images of themselves or their children being shared. For example:

  • if a child and/or their family have experienced trauma in the past and may worry about being traced online
  • children who choose not to have contact with some members of their family may decide to minimise their online presence
  • families may have religious or cultural reasons for choosing not to be photographed

We will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

• always asking for written consent from a child and their parents or carers before taking and using a child’s image

 • always explaining what images will be used for, how they will be stored and what potential risks are associated with sharing images of children

 • making it clear that if a child or their family withdraw consent for an image to be shared, it may not be possible to delete images that have already been shared or published

 • only using first names of children whose images are being used in our published material if a name is deemed necessary

 • never publishing personal information about individual children and disguising any identifying information (for example the name of their school or a school uniform with a logo)

 • making sure children, their parents and carers understand how images of children will be securely stored and for how long (including how we will control access to the images and their associated information)

We will also develop a procedure for reporting the abuse or misuse of images of children as part of our child protection procedures. We will ensure everyone involved in our organisation knows the procedures to follow to keep children safe.

Photography and/or filming for personal use

When children themselves, parents, carers or spectators are taking photographs or filming at our events and the images are for personal use, we will publish guidance about image sharing in the event programmes and/or announce details of our photography policy before the start of the event. This includes:

• reminding parents, carers and children that they need to give consent for Langrish School to take and use their images

 • asking for photos taken during the event not to be shared on social media

 • recommending that people check the privacy settings of their social media account to understand who else will be able to view any images they share

• reminding children, parents and carers who they can talk to if they have any concerns about images being shared.

If consent to take photographs by school staff is not given

 If children, parents and/or carers do not consent to school photographs being taken, we will respect their wishes. We will agree in advance how they would like to be identified so the photographer knows not to take pictures of them, and ensure this is done in a way that does not single out the child or make them feel isolated. We will never exclude a child from an activity because we do not have consent to take their photograph.

Related policies and procedures:

This statement should be read alongside our organisational policies and procedures, including:

• Safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures.

 • Privacy Notice

• Online safety policy and procedures for responding to concerns about online abuse.

This statement has been written with reference to the NSPCC policy.

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Music Mark
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark