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World Faith & Philosophy (RE)

The Intent

The aim of World Faith and Philosophy is to promote reflection, empathy, comprehension and interpretation of world beliefs, mainly through the study of Christianity, but also Hinduism, Judaism, Humanism and Islam. World Faith and Philosophy aims to foster attitudes such as curiosity, open-mindedness, tolerance, wonder, appreciation, respect and self-understanding through the Hampshire ‘Living Difference IV’ syllabus. 

The aim, through World Faith and Philosophy, is to introduce children and young people to what a religious way of looking at, and existing in, the world may offer in leading one’s life, individually and collectively and to play an educational part in the lives of children and young people as they come to speak, think and act in the world.

The implementation:

At Langrish we follow the 2021 syllabus from ‘The Living Difference IV’ which: “affirms our commitment to an education that takes seriously the importance of children exploring their own lives in relation to what it can mean to live with a religious orientation on life, as well as other ways of life including those informed by a non-religious perspective.” (Living Difference IV foreward). 

We use this syllabus throughout the school and teach World Faith and Philosophy through concepts; these are divided into 3 interconnecting groups:

A concepts (common to all people, for example, remembering, specialness, celebration, rights, compassion, justice);

B concepts (shared by many religions, for example, God, worship, symbolism);

C concepts (distinctive to particular religions, for example, resurrection).

There are also ‘golden thread’ concepts : belonging, communicating, special and love which are revisited throughout the key stages each time gaining a greater depth of enquiry.

Click here to view Hampshire's  'Living Difference IV' syllabus that we use to deliver our World Faith and Philosophy curriculum.

At Langrish, World Faith and Philosophy (RE) is taught through a ‘cycle on enquiry’ and is concerned with exploring how beliefs and values impact on the way people behave and should encourage respect for others’ beliefs and values, irrespective of children’s own faith or those children who have no religious or faith experience: raising global awareness for all children and adding to their cultural capital.  For this reason we, at Langrish, have named RE ‘World Faith and Philosophy’ to allow children to arrive at the subject without pre-conceptions.

Our long term plan:

The impact:

As always, the approach to RE in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton schools is consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), particularly Articles 8, 12, 13, 14, 29 and 30, and supports the work of Rights Respecting Education (RRE) at Langrish School.

Reverend Good talking to Year R children about the use of water in Baptism



Hamza visiting Year 5 and 6 to talk about life as a Muslim​​



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