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Year 4 Bee Class

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Mrs Pruden

Friday 17th January

PE days: Tuesdays and Fridays (Tuesday swimming kit and PE kit)

Please bring an apron in for Wednesday's art lesson (we are going to be 'marbling')

Thursday 23rd January 9-9.45am we have maths 'experts' coming in to set us a money challenge - children who will have been at the O2 are invited to come to school at 9.30 - but feel free to come in at the normal time and join us for this event.

Spellings - On Edshed, I've set some practice for the 'ture' suffix we have been learning in class.  Please practise little and often - aiming for at least 3 visits to the website.

Maths - On Wednesday, we are joining a national competition run by Emile, which we will have practised in class (your child will have their log-in details in their reading record). If possible, please log in on Wednesday and play a few games.  (The MTC Cup runs from 9am on the 22nd January to 3pm on the 23rd January). I appreciate some of you are at the O2 and therefore this won't be possible!

PSHE - We have been learning to keep ourselves safe in PSHE this term.  Last week we learnt about whether something was a risk, hazard or danger.  As you go about your daily routines and activities, can you try and identify which category they'd be in (hopefully none in danger!)  These are the definitions we used: 

Danger – something which will definitely cause harm

Hazard – something which could cause harm

Risk – an action which is taken in a hazardous situation

A taste of our learning



In DT we have started to design our nightlights - which age group is your design for?



We have all had a brilliant start to Year 4 - a real thumbs up to everyone!

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark
  • Music Mark