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Year 5 Swifts

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Mr Christofa

Swift Class

P.E days: Mondays and Wednesdays (PE kit) - Please ensure correct P.E kit is worn on these days with no jewellery.

Pencil case: Please make sure your pencil case includes the following: a blue handwriting pen, a red pen, a whiteboard pen, a pencil, ruler, rubber, a pair of scissors, a sharpener and glue stick.  

Home learning menu: 

English (30 minutes): The BBC have launched a competition to write a short story. Compete and win for LANGRISH! You have until the 8th of November. Remember to include lots of writing tools, spell everything correctly and make it engaging/exciting! Here is the link: 

How to submit your stories - BBC Teach

Maths (10 minutes): Can you answer 40 division questions in 3 minutes? Try 3 times and see if you can beat your own score!  

PSHE: How kind can you be over half-term? Can you do 10 random acts of kindness for your family and friends? 

Picture News

Author Study/Class Reader

Our author for this half-term is Michael Morpurgo. In class, we have been reading My Friend Walter and Friend Or Foe. 

This week's learning question from the Blooms questions at the back of children's reading records should be taken from the Questioning section. Remember to highlight the question once chosen, so you can choose a different question next week. 

The Autumn reading challenge is still going on! It is attached at the bottom of the page. Good luck children and keep reading! 

A taste of our learning

PSHE: Kindness 

This week, Swift class spent their PSHE lessons thinking about different ways to be kind! 

Science: Evolution and Space 

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been delving deeply into scientific concepts from evolution, the wonders of Mary Anning and now space! Here are some examples...

Art: Henry Matisse

This week, the children produced their final pieces of work for their unit on Matisse. To the right is a lovely example:







Computing: esafety

Swift Class embedded their learning in Computing having previously learnt how to be safe online. This week, they created their posters on the computer using Word and Publisher. 







PHSE: friendship 

In PSHE, we talked about fantastic ingredients to make a good relationship. 





In Science, we made Planet Earth timelines. The children were encouraged to lay out their work anyway they saw fit. A fantastic example is below. 

Rights Respecting Charter

Below is Year 5's agreed Rights Respecting Charter. 

Learning behaviours 

These are:

-Be your best

-Learning comes first

-Pay it forward

-Worry about you first

-Say no to hate

-No excuses

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark
  • Music Mark