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Year 5 Swifts

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Mr Christofa

Swift Class

Pencil case

Please make sure your pencil case includes the following: a blue handwriting pen, a red pen, a whiteboard pen, a pencil, ruler, rubber, a pair of scissors, a sharpener and glue stick.

Home learning menu: 

English (15 minutes): This week's English homework is an assignment on 'EdShed; 'Challenge Words' is the focus. 

Maths (10 minutes): This week, use the following game to practise your times tables. 

Multiplayer Speed Quiz -

Music (35 minutes): On Thursday, you brought home the lyrics to 'This Is Me Reimagined.' Over half term, practise, practise, practise! 

Picture News


Class Reader

Our class reader this half-term is: The Explorer by Katherine Rundell

This week's learning question from the Blooms questions at the back of children's reading records should be taken from the evaluating section. Remember to highlight the question once chosen, so you can choose a different question next week. 

A taste of our learning


This week is Internet Safety Week and we took part in the CBBC live lesson with thousands of other schools across the country to learn more about how to stay safe online. We learnt about phishing, passwords and scammers. It was good fun and the children gained so much from it! 


This week, the 'Life Space' visited our school and Year 5 had the opportunity to learn about our brains, the parts of our brains and their functions. It was a fascinating experience. We learnt about various ways we can self-regulate, many of which were on our road maps and discussed what different emotions may look like physically, but also how they feel in our brains. 


At the beginning of the week, we added 4 eggs to vinegar, one on its own and the other three with food colouring, to explore what happens when you mix different materials. By the end of the week, we removed the eggs and discovered that the shells had gone and the eggs were now bouncy! An interesting experiment, which explored how materials and substances can change (irrevesible changes). 

Physical Education 

The next unit of physical education is gymnastics and this week the children were performing pieces in groups, trying to include flexibility, a sequence of moves and teamwork! Click the picture below to see more images in our gymnastic gallery!

Science: Climate Change 

This week, we had an exciting climate change workshop, led by an external group whose aim was to give us a deeper understanding of the dangers of climate change. We explored the bio-diversity of planet Earth and investigated animal habitats, trying to find a range of animals (and plants). Some pictures are below... 

French: Weather

In French, we have been learning how to describe different weather types. Can you name the different weathers in French and say that 'it is' snowing, raining and so on? The children have been practising this in class and making great progress. Use their example from the right to help you practise at home.





English: Who should headline festivals?

After our 'How To Be A Rockstar' lesson, where we learnt about Florence and The Machine, we spent an English lesson exploring the following question: Who should headline festivals? The children had to discuss and debate this question, giving reasons for both sides. A fantastic example is on the right. It includes a great, intriguing introduction, which informs the reader about the topic. It has a balanced argument reflecting both sides, includes generalisers, conjunctions, fronted adverbials and technical vocabulary. Are there any improvements that you would make if you were to offer this person feedback? 


PSHE: How To Be A Rockstar

This term, we have begun a new project called 'The People Project' and our first whole-school topic focus is 'How To Be A Rockstar.' Year 5's artist is Florence Welsh from the band Florence and The Machine. Florence is a female, neurodivergent, British rock star who broke the mould headlining Glastonbury Festival in 2015. We made posters which tried to promote a more gender-balanced music festival lineup, as many festivals around the world are dominated by male artists.


Reading: One Pagers

During guided reading this week, the children were tasked with producing a 'One Pager' (essentially a poster on a page but with more information- a snapshot of the topic) about their favourite book. Below are some unbelievably amazing examples, which all made it onto display in Swift class. The task is aimed at pushing children to delve deeper into understanding their book, encapsulating its contents. 

Science: Space and Gravity presentations 

For the past three weeks, Swift class have been working hard on a group project in which they were tasked to present everything they can recall, remember and retrieve about Space and Gravity. They were told that they could choose any element of Space, Gravity or a general presentation about many elements of the topic. They were also told that they could present any way that they deemed appropriate for their group: traditional presentation, YouTube series, documentary, comedy sketch show, quiz show and so on. This week, we spent the afternoon sharing those presentations. I have to say... in my many years of teaching, I have never seen anything so brilliant. They all worked so hard, filled their presentations with a multitude of facts, many of which had had not been learnt within the unit, and were very confident, remembering their lines and delivering their presentations as if they were teachers! It was awe-inspiring to watch. 


French: Months of the year

This week in French, we learnt the months of the year (the week prior we were learning the days of the week). The children had to match up the correct translation and then try to remember which sounds were missing in each word. 



English: The Snowman

One of the lessons completed this week around our film study The Snowman was to write a setting description using figurative language. The example below includes alliteration, personification, expanded noun phrases, adverbs, metaphors, clauses and repetition. Can you help the author by suggesting some different sentence starters to help their lovely ideas flow together?

Science: Gravity

In Science this week, we explored gravity on a deeper level. The children have already learnt about gravity in Year 4. One of the key pieces of substantive knowledge that we learnt was that everything has a gravitational pull, even us! (It isn't strong enough to pull anything towards us though). The children were then challenged to demonstrate their knowledge on paper.   

PSHE: Anti-Bullying Week-Race/Nationality

During Anti-Bullying week, we made world maps with a twist. Rather than label the countries with their names, the children had to label them with the nationality of the individuals who live there. For example, rather than label China, they labelled Chinese or rather than label South Africa, they labelled South African. This task was designed to teach children to try and be as specific as they can when referring to another individual's race/nationality. We also covered which terms they should use if they had to make generalisations, for example: black, white, Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and so on. 

English: Poetry

This week, Swift class had a poetry week. After exploring a variety of poems by different poets based on a variety of topics, we had a go at writing our own poems around seasons. The children had to try and use different examples of figurative language (similes, personification and metaphors, alliteration) in their work to develop imagery for the reader. Can you see any of these techniques in the example below?


PSHE: Kindness 

This week, Swift class spent their PSHE lessons thinking about different ways to be kind! 

Science: Evolution and Space 

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been delving deeply into scientific concepts from evolution, the wonders of Mary Anning and now space! Here are some examples...

Art: Henry Matisse

This week, the children produced their final pieces of work for their unit on Matisse. To the right is a lovely example:







Computing: esafety

Swift Class embedded their learning in Computing having previously learnt how to be safe online. This week, they created their posters on the computer using Word and Publisher. 







PHSE: friendship 

In PSHE, we talked about fantastic ingredients to make a good relationship. 





In Science, we made Planet Earth timelines. The children were encouraged to lay out their work anyway they saw fit. A fantastic example is below. 

Rights Respecting Charter

Below is Year 5's agreed Rights Respecting Charter. 

Learning behaviours 

These are:

-Be your best

-Learning comes first

-Pay it forward

-Worry about you first

-Say no to hate

-No excuses

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark
  • Music Mark