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Year 5 Swifts

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Miss Coleman

Swift Class

P.E days: Monday (cricket and rounders) and Friday (dodgeball and athletics). Please ensure correct P.E kit is worn on these days. Hats are recommended to be worn for outdoor sports. No jewellery should be worn to school on these days. 

Pencil case: Please make sure your pencil case includes the following: a blue handwriting pen, a red pen, a whiteboard pen, a pencil, ruler, rubber, a pair of scissors, a sharpener and glue stick.  

Home learning

Reading: 20 minutes of daily reading. Complete a Blooms' question in your reading record once books are finished.

Class Reader

Beetle Boy (Battle of the Beetles Book 1): a bug-tastic series from the  author of Adventures on Trains and Twitch

Blooms question: How does Uncle Max feel towards his brother?


                   Hit the Button                       Carroll diagrams - Multiples                      Childline games


Week 13

As we have completed our maths curriculum, we thought it best to put our knowledge to the test to help us complete an escape room! (Get out of the copse!) Through completing mathematical challenges they were able to reveal the 10 digit code to open the locked door... with great teamwork, determination and mathematical thinking we all made it to lunch! 



Week 12

Week 11

Ancient Civilisation Day! We started our day by organising different civilisations and groups of people from pre-historic times to modern day, taking particular notice of the five civilisations we were going to be focusing on. We then spent some time using atlases to see which modern day countries they would've covered. Our day finished with a research activity into different civilisations, writing in hieroglyphs and creating clay seals! 

Key questions to think about at home:

What do all ancient civilisations centre around?

Week 10

Our circulation unit focused on the blood circulation model and how blood is distributed around our bodies. After researching about the blood, blood vessels and the heart, we were able to create our own blood circulation model diagram. The Virtual Tee also helped us get up close to our respiratory and circulatory system too! 

Key questions to think about at home:

Which blood vessels transport oxygenated blood around the body?

Which blood vessels transport waste back to the heart? 

What does blood carry?


Week 9

This week, we took part in a Virtual Road Safety lesson. We were reminded about the Green Cross code and things that we can do to keep ourselves safe when walking near or crossing roads. The second part of the session focused on how to keep yourself safe when cycling. This was great pre-learning, before we take part in our Bikeability next year! 

 Key questions to think about at home:

How can I stay safe when walking near or cycling on the roads?

Week 8

Year 5 River Study! 

As a hook for our new geography unit, rivers, we visited Gilbert White Study Centre. Here we learnt the different parts and details of a river, how to take a river's profile, and we went looking for any creatures that call the river their natural habitat! 

Key questions to think about at home:

How do you measure a river's flow? 

What are bends in a river's course called? 

Week 7 

This week, Ali and Lorriane from the NSPCC came to visit us to talk to us about how to speak up and stay safe; they even brought Buddy along too! Together, we worked through a presentation that gave us different scenarios and examples, which we then determined whether they were safe or not. It is important to remember that in any given situation it is always the choice of the child and that a child's permission is paramount. 

Key questions to think about at home:

Where are my safe places?

Who are my trusted adults? 

When is childline open?

Week 6

To finish our topic on the Ancient Maya, we had a debate about whether their achievements were more advanced than the Vikings. We gathered evidence to support our stance and then had a discussion about it using evidence. Some of us were so persuasive that the other side changed their opinion. 

Key questions to think about at home:

Who were the Ancient Maya? 

Were the Ancient Maya more advanced than the Vikings?  

Week 5

This week, we practised our oral pronunciation in French. We were discussing with our friends what sports we do and don't do. This activity was helpful for us to see the difference in the negative form of the verb. By moving around the room and speaking to a variety of people, we were also able to explore multiple different types of sports played at the modern Olympic Games - being held this year in Paris!

Key questions to think about at home:

Qu'est-ce que tu fais?


Week 4

Our P.E unit this term has focused on improving our individual, level 1 and 2 skills from Autumn term. The challenge was to work in larger groups, incorporating a piece of apparatus into the sequence. We have thought carefully about the aesthetics of the routines, including start and finish positions, as well as how to travel from skill to skill. 

Key questions to think about at home:

What makes a good gymnastics routine? 

How can I make the routine pleasing for an audience? 

What is my favourite skill that I have mastered?

Week 3

To complete our English unit on Pig Heart Boy, we set up a formal debate. "Do you agree that an animal should be specially designed and bred to provide organs for humans?" With both for and against providing statements to the speaker, everyone was able to provide their facts and opinions on the motion, concluding with a class vote that animals should NOT be used to provide organs for humans. 

Key questions to think about at home:

Is it right to use animals to benefit humans? 

Week 2

This week we looked at the Beano: understanding stress lesson in our P.S.H.E session. We thought about how when our emotions overwhelm us and our worries get stuck in our heads, this can cause stress. We discussed that knowing how we react when we are stressed is important as it will help us recognise our feelings and find ways to cope and make things better. Remember every person is different and can react in different ways! 

Key questions to think about at home:

How do I feel when I am stressed?

How can I manage my stress?

Who can I speak to (at school and home) when I feel stressed or overwhelmed by my emotions?

Week 1 

To conclude our learning about air and water resistance, we thought closely about the 4 things that affect planes in the air. These are thrust, lift, drag and gravity. Using our knowledge of what makes objects more streamlined and experience less drag, we put this into practice using paper planes. We then modified our designs based on those that were able to fly further or higher through the air. 

Key questions to ask at home:

What is the best shape for less drag? 

What is thrust? 


Week 10

When objects move through air and water they have to push it out of the way. The water or air pushes back with forces called water and air resistance. In this experiment, we explored the best shaped object to move through water with the least amount of resistance. 

Key questions to ask at home:

Does air or water resistance weigh less?

What is the best shape for less resistance? 

What force pulls objects to the ground (against air resistance)?


Week 9 

This week we were visited by the Open Box theatre, who taught us all about Ancient Maya. We learnt where the Mayans are from, about their Gods and sacrifices. We learnt about their daily lives and the techniques they had to hunt and survive. Also, we learnt peculiar traditions that we are thankful do not happen to us!! 

Key questions to ask at home:

Who are the Ancient Maya? 

Where was the Ancient Mayan civilisation based? 

What rituals did they have? 

Week 8 - World Book Day 2024

This World Book day we completed a spy mission in the classroom. Armed with our detective badges and suspects list, we searched around the room to find hidden clues to help us find the 'Thief of London'. Using our honed inference and deduction skills, we were able to swiftly solve the clues to find the culprit. 

Key questions to ask at home:

Where is your favourite place to read a book?

What is your favourite genre?


Week 7

Texture is the feeling, appearance or consistency of an object or material. 

It can be natural or man-made, functional or decorative. Artists try to replicate the texture of the subject to make their work look as realistic as possible. We experimented with using different types of sketching pencils to create texture, line and tone. 

Key questions to ask at home:

Why do we have different hardness of pencils?

What pencil type is best for smudging?

Week 6 

Our new English unit is Beetle Boy, our focus is writing an information text. We have looked at the features and how information is organised effectively in information texts. To support this, we played 'true or false' with some factual information - some facts being true and others created ourselves. This linked to a previous unit we completed in Computing, where we completed internet research. It is always important to to check facts to establish if the source is reliable or not. 

Key questions to ask at home:

What are the features of an information text?

What themes would provide a breadth of information? 

Week 5 - Take One Picture Week 2024

This year, we focused on one artist, Claude Monet, as our inspiration for TOPW. We focused on water lillies, exploring the element of space. We thought carefully about depth and the illusion of depth through the use of space in a picture. Some of us created larger final pieces, whilst others focused on depth within a drawing, experimenting with techniques and developing our understanding as Monet as an influential impressionist. 

Week 4

Marvellous manipulatives! To explore our fractions unit in a different way, we have been using equipment to help us visualise our reasoning and problem-solving questions. By using digit cards and multi-link, we were able to quickly move the manipulatives to 'pull out' the arithmetic problem within the longer word problems. 

Key questions to ask at home:

How can I multiply a fraction by an integer?

What is the method for finding a quantity of a fraction? 

Week 3

This week we used our new French knowledge of the weather to write postcards. With the help of Mrs Horner, we were able to write and present a postcard just like a native French speaker would! We were very happy with how they turned out, despite some holidays seemingly not having the best weather! Quel désastre! 

Key questions to ask at home:

Quel temps fait-ils? 

Week 2

Incredible irreversible changes! Sometimes, mixed substances react to make a new substance. These changes are usually irreversible. By mixing bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, food colouring and washing up liquid, we created an irreversible change. 

Key questions to ask at home:

What is an irreversible change? 

What substance was created in our experiment? 

What happened after we shook the bottle with the lid on? 


Week 1 

Our new DT unit is Game Design. Our first session focused on 'What is a cam?' We will be creating toys for a younger target audience with the cam mechanism inside. We were able to create a plan for the mechanism, including a cam, followers and crank handle to operate the toy. 

Key questions to ask at home:

What makes a good toy? 

What is a cam? 

Who are my target audience? 


Week 14

We have spent two weeks writing and publishing our own narratives based on Raymond Briggs: The Snowman. We have worked hard to include all the Year 5 non-negotiables that we have learnt so far this year. Thinking carefully about the audience, we were then able to enjoy sharing our stories with Year 1 this week. With beautiful description and snowy scenes, our stories have allowed us to feel truly Christmassy! 

Key questions to ask at home:

How can the audience affect the style of writing? 

Week 13

As part of our music curriculum, we have been learning how to compose. By using our new music books, we can create pieces of music to practice, learn and perform. We have worked hard to ensure our notes are drawn correctly and are written to resemble the correct musical notation we have chosen. 

Key questions to ask at home:

How many beats in a 4/4 bar? 

How many beats in a crotchet?

Week 12

Cultural afternoon 

As part of our Cultural afternoon, we researched New Zealand, Thailand, the Netherlands and Egypt to find out more about the heritage of children in our class. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about the culture, history and important events that have happened in that country. We finished our afternoon by learning the Haka, a ceremonial dance for the Maori people. It represents pride, strength and unity and that's just how we felt after our afternoon! 

Week 11

2nd place in the National Spelling Cup!!!

Last week, we qualified first in our region to take part in the National Spelling final. For two days, Year 5 worked hard on their spelling knowledge from Year 1 all the way up to new Year 6 style spellings! Their determination and exceptional spelling knowledge enabled Langrish to place 2nd overall, with the highest percentage of correct spellings (90%). Surely, that proves just how amazing our Year 5 spellers truly are! 

Week 10

This week has been anti-bullying week. On Monday, we wore odd socks to celebrate difference and created our own video based on this year's song: 'Make a Noise' by Andy and the Odd socks gang. We talked about what it means to 'make a noise' about bullying and all week we have thought about what we would do to stand up to bullies, including our power poses from our drama workshop. 

Key questions to ask at home:

Who are my trusted adults? 

What does it mean to make a noise about bullying? 

Week 9

We took part in a Blue Cross webinar about animals in war. Horses, pigeons and dogs were used to support humans in the war; dogs were used to lay telephone lines and provide companionship, horses were used to pull machinery and ambulances and pigeons were used to send messages. Did you know that they sent messages via pigeon by attaching the message to their leg? To commend their bravery, all three groups of animals were rewarded with medals of bravery after the war. 

Key questions to ask at home:

How many dogs were used in the war?  How fast can a pigeon deliver a message?  What do the different coloured poppies represent? 

Week 8

We have been looking at the purpose of grid references. We started by recognising some OS map symbols and then used this knowledge to find the symbols on an OS map. We learnt that grid references help to locate places easily on maps. 

Key question to ask at home: 

What is a four figure grid reference? 

What OS map symbols might be found at the top of Butser Hill? 




Week 7

Concrete resources supporting our new mathematical learning! This week we have been using counters and cubes to help us visually see our learning. When looking at factors, multiples and cube numbers it has been extremely useful to represents this as arrays and in 3D shapes to apply our learning from our books. We were also able to see which numbers didn't fit the patterns!

Key question to ask at home: 

What is a prime number? 

What is a square number? 

What is a cube number? 

Week 6

Our focused element of art this half term has been line. We concentrated our work around the artist, Henri Matisse. After analysing his work and using it as a stimulus for our own pieces, we have replicated his technique 'painting with scissors' in our final designs. We discussed closely his use of different types of line, positive and negative space and layering to add effect. 

Key question to ask at home: 

What is positive and negative space? 

How many different types of line can you think of? 

Why did Matisse begin using 'paint with scissors'? 

Week 5

This week in Forest School, we focused on imbedding our science curriculum. We started with a game to encourage discussion around characteristics of animals and classifying our own animals into specific groups. In the classroom, we have been learning about fossils and evolution. We know that fossils are the main source of evidence for evolution. This includes trace fossils such as footprints and even fossilised poo! With clay, we were able to recreate some footprints of animals that could be used by palaeontologists to identify evolution. 


Week 4

Horrid Hands! To support both our PSHE and science curriculum, this week we were visited by the NHS to remind ourselves of how to stop the spread of germs and the importance of handwashing. The 'glitter hands' experiment clearly highlighted how fast germs can spread and the importance of good hand washing practice. 

Key question to ask at home: 

What are the four types of germs? 

How fast do humans sneeze? 

Week 3

Through drama, we took on the role of two characters from Friend or Foe. We explored tone of voice to help convey the characters effectively in our writing. We thought creatively about positioning to develop our setting description and dialect to enhance our speech. We could then positively assess each other's performances to enhance our understanding of character, ready to implement in our writing. 

Key question to ask at home: 

What is the moral dilemma David and Tucky face? 

Week 2

Scientific drawing. To draw scientifically you need to look at the specimen carefully and draw only what you see. We used pencil and created large drawings that showed the features clearly. By using magnifying glasses, we could see which fossils we were drawing and could label and annotate correctly. 

Key questions to ask at home: 

What are the different types of fossils?

How do you draw scientifically? 


Week 1

Welcome back! The first week has been full of expectations and routines. Year 5 has spent time thinking carefully about what makes a successful learner and creating our UNICEF Rights Respecting Charter - this includes the rights they most associate with at school. 

Key questions to ask at home: 

What will you do to be successful in your learning this year? 

How will you enact upon the chosen rights at school? 

Our Awards

  • Arts Mark Gold
  • RRSA Silver
  • Music Mark
  • Picture News
  • Platinum Sports Mark