Year R Squirrels
Team Squirrel - Mrs Browne
PE is on a Thursday: Come into school in PE kit. Children must have shorts and long trousers/leggings.
Forest school is on a Friday: Come into school in PE kit. Children must have a long sleeved top and trousers (even in warm weathers). Forest school kits must have named wellington boots, spare socks and waterproofs in a forest school bag, which can stay in school.
Library day is Wednesday: please return your library books on this day to choose a new one.
Week 2 – Our first full week together!
I am so proud of how resilient, kind and understanding all the children have been. They have had to learn so much in just one week. Here are just some of the things:
- Remember how to get to the classroom each morning
- Find their peg
- Put their water bottles in the box
- Choose their lunch by finding their own name first!
- Remember where to sit on the carpet
- Remember their house colour group
- Try and remember all their new friends' names
- Learn how break times and lunch times work... and that’s just a part of their morning routine!
We have even managed to squeeze in a sneaky bit of phonics and maths and I have to say we have some great counters here! I cannot wait to get going with our formal learning. For our PE this week, we explored the apparatus to find our balance, did some throwing and catching, worked on control and taking turns safely.
Well done Team Squirrel for a brilliant, rainy first week at school! It has been great getting to know you all in your homes and now at school. Have a restful weekend and see you bright and early Monday morning - gate opens at 8.25am!
Last thing from me:
Remember school is busy and all very new for some of you. If you have any worries, questions or thoughts, do come and see me at the door at the end of the school day or email the school office. I am always here and happy to chat.
Mrs Browne
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